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- Sat, 20 NovGallery F4820 Nov 2021, 00:00 CET – 05 Dec 2021, 04:00 CETGallery F48, Frognerveien 48B, 0266 Oslo, 挪威Utstillingen «Kaleidoskop av emosjoner» presenterer abstrakte malerier av kunstneren Svetlana Rezvaya. Kunstneren deler sin erfaring med betraktere om hvordan man kan forstå og like abstrakt kunst.
- Thu, 21 OctGallery F4821 Oct 2021, 11:00 CEST – 14 Nov 2021, 18:05 CETGallery F48, Frognerveien 48B, 0266 Oslo, NorwayThe oil painting series, which is exhibited in Gallery F48, was recently created by the artist Liu Lifen. The exhibition is called "Nattalv " in norwegian /The Night Elf in English, which is based on the visual perception of her works of art.
- Sat, 02 OctGallery F4802 Oct 2021, 12:00 – 16:00 CESTGallery F48, Frognerveien 48B, 0266 Oslo, NorwayKunstneren vil presentere 12 malerier på sin separatutstilling. Temaet er Life Is A Big Feast - You With Me With Him Meet Here Together. Velkommen til oss!
- Sat, 14 AugGallery F4814 Aug 2021, 12:00 – 05 Sept 2021, 16:00Gallery F48, Frognerveien 48B, 0266 Oslo, NorwayNorsk kunstner Thea Kiær skal presentere hennes fantastisk kunst med mange motiver .
- Sat, 05 JunFrogner05 Jun 2021, 12:00 – 30 Jun 2021, 16:00Frogner, Frognerveien 48B, 0266 Oslo, 挪威Acryl painting series and lemited prints present. Exhibition both of ordinary and online.
- Sat, 15 MayGallery F4815 May 2021, 12:00 – 30 May 2021, 17:00Gallery F48, Frognerveien 48B, 0266 Oslo, NorwaySolo Exhibition in May 15th.- 30th. 2021 . Botanical art display. Water color painting series.
- Sun, 14 MarExhibition Online & Physical Visit14 Mar 2021, 12:00 – 29 Mar 2021, 16:00Exhibition Online & Physical VisitDue to the pandemic, the exhibition is postponed from March 14 to March 29. The audience can continue to visit the exhibition online . Or contact us to make a point to visit gallery. Welcome!
- Sat, 27 FebSKALLEBANK Solo Exhibition - Henrik Berg27 Feb 2021, 12:00 CETSKALLEBANK Solo Exhibition - Henrik BergDue to the pandemic, the exhibition is postponed from March 14 to March 29. The audience can continue to visit the exhibition online . Or contact us to make a point to visit gallery. Welcome!
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