Dow Jones or Corona? - Solo Exhibition of Paal Bugen
Sat, 05 Jun
Acryl painting series and lemited prints present. Exhibition both of ordinary and online.

Time & Location
05 Jun 2021, 12:00 – 30 Jun 2021, 16:00
Frogner, Frognerveien 48B, 0266 Oslo, 挪威
About The Event
Dow Jones or Corona?
Solo Exhibition
Artist Paal Bugen
We are honored to present Paal Bugen's solo exhibition, which will be opened this June in a gradually opening Oslo city. Paal's works are two themed series, each of which is so closely related to the reality of people's lives today. In this exhibition, you will see a lot of ideas spraying out of the artist's mind. Those streams of consciousness are revealed through colors, images, words and even mathematical formulas.
Read this Art statement by artist Paal Bugen, and you can understand more about him and his art:
"I make a lot of different, but allmost allways abstract art. My goal is often that one will se something different in the painting when you study it. It shall bring energy to the room with beautiful colors, and some mystery to the viewer, with questions and statements I write in the canvas. In my earlier paintings I wrote a lot in the canvas. To try to make a starting point for an intelligent conversation. For instance: -Isn’t the square root of 9 also -3? As a reminder that the obvious answer is not always the only possible one. But it also points to a possible flaw in western mathematics. In the recent paintings I often use symbols from our time, like the apps and the new signs and language that is developed around this the last 10 years. And its is global. Everyone knows it from their phone. In the Dow Jones series, I made some paintings inspired by Planck-time, because the compression of the universe, and the expansion, is the most complex I can imagine (except woman, of course). At the Plancktime the universe was compressed to the size of a ball. Many of these paintings use the format of TV-News at the time, , that had a red newsflash BREAKING NEWS and the stock market tickers running over the screen, and things popping up all over the screen. In the recent year I have made the Corona series. It started with a cave-painting during lockdown, and has just escalated. The series have the abillity to change dependent on distance from the painting. Covid-1-3 and 5 meters. I try to use energetic colors and paint exiting stories. The Abyss is about the free falling many felt when they had to shut down their businesses. While Marilyn is a painting that changes with the Covid-distance. When you go close you see something totally different than from 5 meters".
Thank you for reading! Welcome to with us!